Melvin and James

Left to Right: James, OVO Director of Logistics; Doug, Wounded Warrior Project Outreach Coordinator; Chris, Veteran; Matt, Clinton County Wildlife Officer; Stephen, Veteran; Keith, Veteran; Melvin, Veteran; Jeremy (with Trooper), Veteran; Brian, Executive Director; and Bryan, Veteran.

Billy Lawson from Archery World USA, Matt who allowed us to use his property to hunt on, and Bryan, one of the veterans hunting this weekend at the Dinner Banquet in the Vernon Township Hall.

Carlos from VFW Post 8312, who volunteered to guide all weekend and Stephen, one of our veterans hunting this weekend and his deer harvest this morning. She’s at the processor now.

Jeremy’s service dog, Trooper taking a break from all the action.

Stan Nieport, VFW Post 8312 Men’s Auxilliary, making us a fine breakfast Friday morning after coming in from the woods.

James, Kirk Colyer from KS Customs Firearms in Goshen, Carlos and his new gun, and Brian. Kirk donated this TNW Aero Survival gun that we raffled off at the banquet and Carlos had the lucky number.

Veterans and some of the guides from the weekend hunt after the Saturday banquet. Left to Right: Brian, Jeremy, James, Chris, Bryan, Keith, Billy, Stephen, Jerry, and Melvin.

The veterans and guides in front of our banner. Left to Right: Rick, Brian, Chris, Stephen, Bryan, Keith, James, Jeremy, Billy, Melvin, Jarrod, and Carlos.

Our veteran hunter, hunting stand, and guide matrix. We had more volunteer guides than hunters – always nice to have too much help!!

Jeremy taking aim with a brand new crossbow that was donated by the Lebanon Correctional Institution Inmates Vietnam Veterans Association. The deer spooked before he got a shot.

Shirt Front, $15 each!

Shirt back, $15 each!

Cookie took a liking to Carlos on a break between hunts.

Melvin and Brian in the Turtlehead blind this morning. Melvin got a shot at a small buck but missed…buck fever is REAL!

Stephen and his deer, Carlos, and Chris with James new Polaris over at Jeff Baughmans farm. Jeff gave us exclusive use of his farm this weekend.
Our inaugural crossbow deer hunt was a success thanks to all the veterans, volunteers, and sponsors. Three deer were shot, unfortunately only one was recovered but the weekend’s activities were well attended and a good time was had by all.
We are building our database of local veterans and of local properties that we can use. Our next event is a duck hunt on October 29th up in Greenville. We’ll take our lessons learned from this weekend and continue to make our events and organization better.
Again, so very grateful for all the help, donations, and most importantly, our veterans’ service to this country.
Would like to purchase a T-shirt in 4xl this James Sanders father in law.
Roger that, James let me know. We will get a 4X on our next order.